# Migration guide from 3.0.x to 3.1.x

Make sure your server is not running until the end of the migration


If you are using extensions to create custom code or modifying existing code, you will need to update your code and compare your version to the new changes on the repository.
Not updating your extensions can break your app in unexpected ways that we cannot predict.

# Summary

# 1. Upgrading your dependencies

First, run the following command to get the last version of 3.1.x:

npm info strapi@3.1.x version

Then, update your package.json with the highest version given by the previous command.

Example — package.json

  // ...
  "dependencies": {
    "strapi": "$version",
    "strapi-admin": "$version",
    "strapi-connector-bookshelf": "$version",
    "strapi-plugin-content-manager": "$version",
    "strapi-plugin-content-type-builder": "$version",
    "strapi-plugin-email": "$version",
    "strapi-plugin-graphql": "$version",
    "strapi-plugin-upload": "$version",
    "strapi-plugin-users-permissions": "$version",
    "strapi-utils": "$version"


Make sure to replace $version with the highest version given by the previous command.

Finally, update your dependencies with one of the following commands:

yarn install
# or
npm install

# 2. Define the admin JWT Token

This version comes with a new feature: Role & Permissions for the administrators. In the process, the authentication system for administrators has been updated and the secret used to encode the jwt token is not automatically generated anymore. In order to make the login work again you need to define the secret you want to use in server.js.


  1. Generate a secure token.
openssl rand 64 | base64 # (linux/macOS users)
# or
node -e "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(64).toString('base64'))" # (all users)
  1. Add it to you env variables (for example in .env).


  1. Add it to your config file.


module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  // ...
  admin: {
    auth: {
      secret: env('ADMIN_JWT_SECRET'),

You're done!


All currently logged in administrators will be disconnected from the app and will need to log in again.

# 3. Update username constraint for administrators

The username field is no longer required for administrator users.

You will have to remove the NOT NULL constraint for this column in strapi_administrator table in your database.

# 4. Migrate your custom admin panel plugins

If you don't have custom plugins, you can jump to the next section.

In order to display your custom plugin link into the mail LeftMenu you need to update the plugin registration by adding icon, name and menu in the following file.

Path — plugins/${pluginName}/admin/src/index.js

export default strapi => {
  // ...
  const icon = pluginPkg.strapi.icon;
  const name = pluginPkg.strapi.name;
  const plugin = {
    // ...
    menu: {
      // Set a link into the PLUGINS section
      pluginsSectionLinks: [
          destination: `/plugins/${pluginId}`, // Endpoint of the link
          label: {
            id: `${pluginId}.plugin.name`, // Refers to a i18n
            defaultMessage: 'MY PLUGIN',

# 5. Rebuild the admin panel

Rebuild the admin panel with one of the following commands:

yarn build --clean
# or
npm run build -- --clean

🎉 Congrats, your application has been migrated!